Environment variables getter with fallback

[system/Environment variables getter with fallback]

Retrieves the values for a list of environment variables from either the system environment by name or the provided default values. Sends a dictionary with the resolved values, indexed by variable names. Example (falling back to defaults):

  1. ["Var1", "Var2"]@0 received via variable names

  2. {"Var1": "value1" }@0 received via default values

  3. Sent via resolved varibles:

  "Var1": "value1",<br>
  "Var2": ""<br>


__Keywords__: environment, variable, fallback, default

### Input ports

* __variable names__: ` string[] `

    Receives a list of variable names to be resolved from the environment.<br>
    ["Var1", "Var2"]<br>

* __default values__: ` {string: string} `

    Receives optional default values for undefined environment variables.<br>
    { "var1": "value1" }<br>

### Output ports

* __resolved variables__: ` {string: string} `

    Sends the dictionary of resolved environment variables as a name:value dictionary.<br>
    Contains the environment value if found, otherwise the specified default value if any.<br>
      "V1": "value 1",<br>
      "V2": "default value 2"<br>

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