Records inserter

[apis/airtable/Records inserter]

Inserts up to 10 records into the specified AirTable table. The input received on parameter records must match the target table schema. For inserting more than 10 records, or an unknown number of records, use apis/airtable/Bulk records inserter. For detailed parameter information, see the AirTable API documentation:

Keywords: airtable, insert, upload, create, append, record, rows

Input ports

  • AT records: {"fields": {string: any}}[]

    Receives up to 10 number of records to be inserted into AirTable. Number of records inserted must be greater than 1. Example:

        "fields": {<br>
          "number column": 0,<br>
          "string column": "value0"<br>
        "fields": {<br>
          "number column": 1,<br>
          "string column": "value1",<br>
          "bool column": true<br>
  • params:

    {"apiKey": string, "baseId": string, "tableName": string}

    Receives the authentication & table parameters required to construct the request. API Key: In AirTable, go to 'Help?' and click on 'API Documentation'. Scroll to the "Authorization" section to retrieve your API key. Base ID: In AirTable, go to 'Help?' and click on 'API Documentation'. Find the ID of the base in the introduction. Table Name: Use the table name located on the tab of the spreadsheet. Example:

      "apiKey": "key...",<br>
      "baseId": "app...",<br>
      "tableName": "..."<br>

Output ports

  • records: {"fields": {string: any}}[][number]["fields"][]

    Sends records that were successfully inserted into AirTable. Example:

        "number column": 0,<br>
        "string column": "value0"<br>
        "number column": 1,<br>
        "string column": "value1",<br>
        "bool column": true<br>
  • AT records:

      "id": string,
      "createdTime": "string",
      "fields": {"fields": {string: any}}[][number]["fields"][]

    Sends records that were successfully inserted into AirTable, in the format returned by AirTable, including metadata like row ID, and date & time of creation. Example:

        "id": "rect1iBB9su0rT0JI",<br>
        "createdTime": "2022-09-29T07:25:20.000Z",<br>
        "fields": {<br>
          "number column": 0,<br>
          "string column": "value0"<br>
        "id": "recpIPBXdPlv5wv7D",<br>
        "createdTime": "2022-09-29T07:25:20.000Z",<br>
        "fields": {<br>
          "number column": 1,<br>
          "string column": "value1",<br>
          "bool column": true<br>
  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}

    Sends the entire response from the AirTable API without modification.

  • error: {"error": string, optional "details": any}

    Sends the error, if one occurred.

Last updated