

Iterates over nodes in a tree (deeply nested object) structure, as specified by the query. The query acts as a filter for the iteration. It could hold strings for object keys, numbers for array indices, or objects describing either catch-all or a set of keys to include. An example query: ["foo", 1, {"type":"wildcard"}, {"type":"options", "options": ["bar", "baz"]}] Example:

  1. {"foo": [0, {"a": { "bar": 1 }, "b": { "baz": 1 }}]}@0 is received via tree

  2. ["foo", 1, {"type":"wildcard"}, {"type":"options", "options": ["bar", "baz"]}]@0 is received via query

  3. ["foo", 1, "a", "bar"]@0:0 is sent via path

  4. 1@0:0 is sent via node

  5. the original tree is sent via tree

  6. ["foo", 1, "a", "baz"]@0:1 is sent via path

  7. 1@0:1 is sent via node

  8. the original tree is sent via tree

  9. null@0 is sent via done

Keywords: tree, iterator, foreach

Input ports

  • tree: (any[] or {string: any})

    The tree data structure to iterate over on.

  • query:

      or number
      or {"type": "wildcard"}
      or {"type": "options", "options": (string[] or number[])}

    Pattern for paths. Array of strings, numbers or expressions. Strings look for exact matches, numbers for array indices and expressions describe matching mechanisms. {"type": "wildcard"} Matches any key in the current node. {"type": "options", "options":[]} Matches the listed keys.

Output ports

  • path: (string or number)[]

    Sends the current path in the iteration

  • node: any

    Sends the current node in the iteration

  • tree: (any[] or {string: any})

    Sends the entire tree

  • done: null

    Sends null when the iteration is done

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