Liquidity adder
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[blockchain/ethereum/Uniswap/v2/Liquidity adder]
Add liquidity to the pool. If pool doesn't exist it will be created. TokenB can be ETH also.
Receives parameters for tokenA.
address: the address of the token
desiredAmount: the (maximal) amount we want to add to the liquidity pool in tokenA
minimalAmount: the minimal amount we want to add to the liquidity pool in tokenA, if the current exchange ratio implies an amount smaller than that, the operation should fail
tokenB or ETH:
Receives parameters for tokenB/ETH.
address: the address of the token or "ETH"
desiredAmount: the (maximal) amount we want to add to the liquidity pool in tokenB/ETH
minimalAmount: the minimal amount we want to add to the liquidity pool in tokenB/ETH, if the current exchange ratio implies an amount smaller than that, the operation should fail
to addres: string
Receives the address that will get the minted liquidity token.
deadline: number
Receives the unix timestamp of the deadline until the operation should be completed or will be reverted.
router contract: {"address": string, "abi": {string: any}[]}
Receives parameters of the Uniswap V2 Router contract to interact with
credentials: {"providerUrl": string, "privateKey": string}
Receives credentials for the operation
result: (any or any)
Sends out the result of the operation in case of success
error: ({"error": string} or (any or {"error": string}))
Sends out any error that occured during the liquidity addition process.