NFT contracts by owner retriever

[apis/nftport/v0/NFT contracts by owner retriever]

Returns a list of contracts (i.e. collections) where the given account (wallet) address owns at least one NFT, using the NFTPort API. Supports Ethereum only. Retrieve contracts owned by an account:

Keywords: web3, blockchain, crypto, nft, contract, owner, ethereum, rinkeby

Input ports

  • query:

      "account_address": string,
      optional "continuation": string,
      optional "page_size": number,
      optional "type": "owns_contract_nfts"

    Receives the query parameters. Rerefence:

  • params:

    {"api_key": string, optional "chain": ("ethereum" or "rinkeby")}

    Rerefence: Default chain value: "ethereum"

Output ports

  • data:

      "response": "OK",
      "contracts": {
        "name": string,
        "symbol": string,
        "type": ("ERC721" or "ERC1155"),
        "address": string,
        "num_nfts_owned": number
      "total": number,
      optional "continuation": string

    Sends the query response. Reference:

  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}

    Sends the original response.

  • error: {"error": string, "details": any}

    Sends the error, if any

Last updated