Daily rates getter

[apis/yahoo finance/Daily rates getter]

Input ports

  • symbol: string

    Receives ticker symbol. Example: "DIS"

  • from: number

    Receives start date timestamp for querying data. Example: 1486598400

  • to: number

    Receives end date timestamp for querying data. Example: 1644364800

  • interval:

      or "5d"
      or "1mo"
      or "3mo"
      or "6mo"
      or "1y"
      or "2y"
      or "5y"
      or "10y"
      or "ytd"
      or "max"

    Receives the interval of the rates per date output

Output ports

  • rates per date: {string: number}

    Sent the rates of the symbol per interval

  • error: {"error": "Service unavailable"}

Last updated