

Splits data received via unsplit by fields / indexes. Do not use splitters to access optional record fields. Opt for a data/dictionary/Item getter in those cases instead. Example A (record input): 1.fields is set to ["a", "b"] 2. Output ports a and b get created. 3. {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}@0 received by unsplit 4. "foo"@0 is sent via a 5. "bar"@0 is sent via b Example B (tuple input): 1.fields is set to [0, 1] 2. Output ports 0 and 1 get created. 3. ["foo", "bar"]@0 received by unsplit 4. "foo"@0 is sent via 0 5. "bar"@0 is sent via 1 More: https://github.com/Cranq-io/cranq-tutorials/blob/main/reference/1_application_flow/1_3_synchronization/README.md#example---synchronizing-node-inputs.

Keywords: destructure record, destructure tuple, descructuring, distribute, synchronization, syncing

Input ports

  • fields: (string[] or number[])

    Sets a list of output port names matching property names in the data received via unsplit. Must be parameter. Example: ["a", "b"]

  • unsplit: ({string: any} or any[])

    Receives records or tuples to be split into individual items. Examples:

    • {"a": 5, "b": 2}

    • [5, 2]

Output ports

  • split:

    (({string: any} or any[])[string] or ({string: any} or any[])[number])

    Sends input data split into individual fields.

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