S3 uploader

[sdk/AWS/S3 uploader]

Input ports

  • session id: string

    Receives the id of the S3 session. Example: "s3-session-id"

  • bucket name: string

    Receives the name of the S3 bucket to upload to. Example: "buckat-name"

  • file name: any

    Receives the name of the file to be uploaded. Example: "test.tx"

  • file content: any

    Receives the content of the file to be uploaded. Example: "test content"

Output ports

  • done:

      "ETag": string,
      "Location": string,
      "key": string,
      "Key": string,
      "Bucket": string

    Sent the data about the successful upload. Example: { "ETag": ""7c36f14325954cd6cf996f8ee1261d56"", "Location": "https://bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com/test.txt", "key": "test.txt", "Key": "test.txt", "Bucket": "bucket-name" }

  • error: {"error": string}

Last updated