Has keys tester

[data/dictionary/Has keys tester]

Tests whether the key set of the dictionary contains the expected keys. If strict is set, extra properties are not tolerated, the dictionary provided must have exactly the expected keys. Example A:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. ["first", "fifth"]@0 received via expected keys

  3. strict is set to false

  4. has sends true@0

Example B:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. ["second", "seventh"]@0 received via expected keys

  3. strict is set to false

  4. has sends false@0

Example C:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. ["first", "fifth"]@0 received via expected keys

  3. strict is set to true

  4. has sends false@0

Keywords: dictionary, dict, has, key, contains, any, validate

Input ports

  • dict: {string: any}

    Receives the dictionary to test. Example: { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }

  • expected keys: string[]

    Receives an array of expected keys. Example: [ "first", "third" ]

  • strict: boolean

    Receives whether extra keys in dict are allowed. Example: false

Output ports

  • has: boolean

    Sends a value indicating whether the dictionary has the expected keys. Example: true

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