Record to AirTable record converter

[apis/airtable/utils/Record to AirTable record converter]

Converts a plain record to an AirTable record. Example:

  1. record receives:

  "string column": "value0",<br>
  "number column": 0,<br>
  "bool column": false<br>
2. `AT record` sends:<br>
  "fields": {<br>
    "string column": "value0",<br>
    "number column": 0,<br>
    "bool column": false<br>


__Keywords__: airtable, convert

### Input ports

* __record__: ` {string: any} `

    Receives the record to convert.<br>
      "string column": "value0",<br>
      "number column": 0,<br>
      "bool column": false<br>

### Output ports

* __AT record__: ` {"fields": {string: any}} `

    Sends the converted record.<br>
      "fields": {<br>
        "string column": "value0",<br>
        "number column": 0,<br>
        "bool column": false<br>

Last updated