Item setter

[data/dictionary/Item setter]

Sets an item's value by its key in a dictionary. If the item is not found, it will be created. Example A:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. "first"@0 received via key

  3. -1@0 received via value

  4. dict sends { "first": -1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }@0

Example B:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. "second"@0 received via key

  3. 2@0 received via value

  4. dict sends { "first": 1, "second":2, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }@0


Keywords: dictionary, dict, set, add, value

Input ports

  • dict: {string: any}

    Receives the dictionary to set the value in. Example: { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }

  • key: string

    Receives the key corresponding to the value to set. Example: "second"

  • value: {string: any}[string]

    Receives the value to set. Example: 2

Output ports

  • dict: {string: any}

    Sends the resulting dictionary, with the new/altered item. Example: { "first": 1, "second":2, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }

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