Coordinates to words

[apis/what3words/Coordinates to words]

Input ports

  • coordinates: [number, number]

    Receives the coordinates to be converted to what3words. Format: [latitude, longitude]

  • params:

      "apiKey": string,
      optional "language": string,
      optional "format": ("json" or "geojson")

    Receives what3words API parameters.

Output ports

  • data:

        "country": string,
        "square": {
          "southwest": {"lng": number, "lat": number},
          "northeast": {"lng": number, "lat": number}
        "nearestPlace": string,
        "coordinates": {"lng": string, "lat": string},
        "words": string,
        "language": string,
        "map": string
      or {
        "features": [
            "bbox": [number, number, number, number],
            "geometry": {"coordinates": [number, number], "type": "Point"},
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {
              "country": string,
              "nearestPlace": string,
              "words": string,
              "language": string,
              "map": string
        "type": "FeatureCollection"

    Sends data structure describing the geographical area identified by the 3-word address.

  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}
  • error: {"error": string, optional "details": any}

Last updated