Node setter (mutable)
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[data/tree/Node setter (mutable)]
Sets a node at the specified path of the tree. Mutates input. Warning! This node mutates the tree it gets that means if any other node received the same tree as input from the original source it may get the modified tree depending on the execution order! Example:
{"foo": {"bar": 1}}@0 is received via tree
["foo", "baz"]@0 is received via path
1@0 is received via node
{"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 1}}@0 is sent via modified tree
Keywords: tree, set, setter
tree: (any[] or {string: any})
Tree data structure in which to store a node. Will be mutated.
path: (string or number)[]
Receives the path segments where the node
should be written to
node: any
Receives the node to be set
modified tree: (any[] or {string: any})
Sends the modified tree