Email sender

[apis/mailjet/v3.1/Email sender]

Invokes the Mailjet Send API V3.1 with the request received. For more information, refer to the Mailjet API documentation:

Keywords: email, send, mailjet, message

Input ports

  • params: {"user id": string, "password": string}

    Receives the parameters to invoke the Mailjet API with. For more information, please refer to the Mailjet API documentation:

  • request:

      "Messages": {
        "From": {"Email": string, "Name": string},
        "To": {"Email": string, "Name": string}[],
        optional "Cc": {"Email": string, "Name": string}[],
        optional "Bcc": {"Email": string, "Name": string}[],
        "Subject": string,
        "TextPart": string,
        "HTMLPart": string,
        optional "Attachments": {
          "ContentType": string,
          "Filename": string,
          "Base64Content": string
        optional "InlinedAttachments": {
          "ContentType": string,
          "Filename": string,
          "ContentID": string,
          "Base64Content": string
        optional "Variables": {string: string},
        optional "TemplateLanguage": true,
        optional "TemplateID": number,
        optional "Headers": {string: string},
        optional "CustomID": string,
        optional "EventPayload": string,
        optional "CustomCampaign": string,
        optional "DeduplicateCampaign": boolean,
        optional "URLTags": string
      optional "SandboxMode": true

    Receives the request to dispatch. To easily construct one, use node apis/mailjet/v3.1/Simple email sender request builder. For more information, refer to the Mailjet API documentation:

Output ports

  • messages sent:

      "Messages": {
        "Status": ("success" or "error"),
        "To": {
          "Email": string,
          "MessageUUID": string,
          "MessageID": number,
          "MessageHref": string
        optional "Cc": {
          "Email": string,
          "MessageUUID": string,
          "MessageID": number,
          "MessageHref": string
        optional "Bcc": {
          "Email": string,
          "MessageUUID": string,
          "MessageID": number,
          "MessageHref": string
        optional "Errors": {
          "ErrorIdentifier": string,
          "ErrorCode": string,
          "StatusCode": number,
          "ErrorMessage": string,
          "ErrorRelatedTo": string[]

    Sends information about the messages sent, and any errors, if one occurred. For more information, refer to the Mailjet API documentation:

  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}

    Sends the raw API response.

  • error: {"error": string, optional "details": any}

    Sends the error, if one occurred.

Last updated