Minted NFT burner

[apis/nftport/v0/Minted NFT burner]

Burns an NFT which has been previously minted with Customizable minting. Burning an NFT means destroying it by sending it to a null (un-spendable) address. Transactions leading up to the burn will remain on the blockchain. Note: Burning is possible only if the token is owned by the contract owner and the token has not been transferred/sold yet. Burn a minted NFT:

Keywords: web3, blockchain, crypto, nft, dynamic, mint, update, customisable, burn, polygon, rinkeby

Input ports

  • NFT: {"contract_address": string, "token_id": string}

    Receives the data of the NFT to be burnt.

  • params:

    {"api_key": string, "chain": ("polygon" or "rinkeby")}

Output ports

  • data:

      "response": "OK",
      "chain": ("polygon" or "rinkeby"),
      "contract_address": string,
      "transaction_hash": string,
      "transaction_external_url": string

    Sends transaction hash which can be used to confirm that the transaction was successful (blockchain transactions can take up to a few minutes depending on how congested the network is).

  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}

    Sends the original response.

  • error: {"error": string, "details": any}

Last updated