Builder (keys & values)

[data/dictionary/Builder (keys & values)]

Builds a dictionary based on matching arrays of keys and values. Items are constructed from the same indices of the input arrays. If the array received by keys contains duplicates, only the last precedent is taken into effect - the other corresponding values are discarded. If the item counts of the input arrays differ, the out-of-bounds items are ignored. Example A:

  1. [ "first", "third", "fifth" ]@0 received via keys

  2. [ 1, 3, 5 ]@0 received via values

  3. dict sends { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }@0

Example B:

  1. [ "first", "third", "fifth" ]@0 received via keys

  2. [ 1, 3 ]@0 received via values

  3. dict sends { "first": 1, "third": 3 }@0

Example C:

  1. [ "first", "first", "fifth" ]@0 received via keys

  2. [ 1, 3, 5 ]@0 received via values

  3. dict sends { "first": 3, "fifth": 5 }@0


Keywords: dictionary, dict, build, new, create, zip

Input ports

  • keys: string[]

    Receives the keys to construct the dictionary from. Example: ["first","third","fifth"]

  • values: any[]

    Receives the values to construct the dictionary from. Example: [1, 3, 5]

Output ports

  • dict: {string: any[][number]}

    Sends the resulting dictionary. Example: { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }

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