All chain NFT transactions retriever

[apis/nftport/v0/All chain NFT transactions retriever]

Returns all on-chain transactions for the whole chain, using the NFTPort API. Can be set to include transactions such as transfer, mint, burn, sale or all which includes all transactions. Supports Ethereum only. Retrieve all transactions:

Keywords: web3, blockchain, crypto, nft, transaction, list, ethereum

Input ports

  • query:

      optional "continuation": string,
      optional "page_size": number,
      optional "type": ("transfer" or "mint" or "burn" or "sale" or "all")[],
      optional "from_block": number,
      optional "to_block": number

    Receives search query. Default type value: "all" Rerefence:

  • params: {"api_key": string, optional "chain": "ethereum"}

    Default chain value: "ethereum" Rerefence:

Output ports

  • data:

      "response": "OK",
      "transactions": (
          "type": ("transfer" or "mint" or "burn"),
          optional "owner_address": string,
          optional "transfer_from": string,
          optional "transfer_to": string,
          "contract_address": string,
          "token_id": number,
          "quantity": 1,
          "transaction_hash": string,
          "block_hash": string,
          "block_number": number,
          "transaction_date": string
        or {
          "type": "sale",
          optional "buyer_address": string,
          "seller_address": string,
          "nft": {
            "contract_type": ("ERC721" or "ERC1155"),
            "contract_address": string,
            "token_id": string,
            optional "metadata_url": (string or null),
            optional "creators": {"account_address": string, "creator_share": number}[],
            optional "royalties": {"account_address": string, "royalty_share": number}[],
            optional "signatures": string[],
            optional "total": number
          "quantity": number,
          "price_details": {
            "asset_type": string,
            optional "contract_address": string,
            "price": number,
            "price_usd": number
          "transaction_hash": string,
          "block_hash": string,
          "block_number": number,
          "transaction_date": string,
          "marketplace": ("opensea" or "rarible")
        or {
          "type": ("bid" or "cancel_bid"),
          "bidder_address": string,
          "nft": {
            "contract_type": ("ERC721" or "ERC1155"),
            "contract_address": string,
            "token_id": string,
            optional "metadata_url": (string or null),
            optional "creators": {"account_address": string, "creator_share": number}[],
            optional "royalties": {"account_address": string, "royalty_share": number}[],
            optional "signatures": string[],
            optional "total": number
          optional "quantity": number,
          "price_details": {
            "asset_type": string,
            optional "contract_address": string,
            "price": number,
            "price_usd": number
          optional "transaction_hash": string,
          optional "block_hash": string,
          optional "block_number": number,
          "transaction_date": string,
          optional "marketplace": ("opensea" or "rarible")
        or {
          "type": ("list" or "cancel_list"),
          "lister_address": string,
          "nft": {
            "contract_type": ("ERC721" or "ERC1155"),
            "contract_address": string,
            "token_id": string,
            optional "metadata_url": (string or null),
            optional "creators": {"account_address": string, "creator_share": number}[],
            optional "royalties": {"account_address": string, "royalty_share": number}[],
            optional "signatures": string[],
            optional "total": number
          optional "quantity": number,
          "price_details": {
            "asset_type": string,
            optional "contract_address": string,
            "price": number,
            "price_usd": number
          optional "transaction_hash": string,
          optional "block_hash": string,
          optional "block_number": number,
          "transaction_date": string,
          optional "marketplace": ("opensea" or "rarible")
      "continuation": string

    Sends the query response. Reference:

  • response:

    {"status": number, "headers": {string: any}, "body": string}

    Sends the original response.

  • error: {"error": string, "details": any}

    Sends the error, if any

Last updated