First record extractor

[apis/airtable/utils/First record extractor]

Extracts the first record from an AirTable API response.

Keywords: airtable, record, extract

Input ports

  • resp. data:

    {"records": {"id": string, "createdTime": string, "fields": {string: any}}[]}

    Receives the JSON body of the record insertion response from AirTable. Example:

      "records": [<br>
          "id": "rec5GZcokQryzdZ4v",<br>
          "createdTime": "2022-09-29T13:22:12.000Z",<br>
          "fields": {<br>
            "string column": "value0",<br>
            "number column": 0<br>
          "id": "recAudXcaHdms3eSR",<br>
          "createdTime": "2022-09-29T13:18:10.000Z",<br>
          "fields": {<br>
            "string column": "value0",<br>
            "number column": 0<br>

Output ports

  • record:

    {"records": {"id": string, "createdTime": string, "fields": {string: any}}[]}["records"][number]["fields"]

    Sends the extracted record. Example:

      "string column": "value0",<br>
      "number column": 0<br>
  • AT record:

    {"records": {"id": string, "createdTime": string, "fields": {string: any}}[]}["records"]

    Sends the record as is received from the AirTable API. Example:

      "id": "rec5GZcokQryzdZ4v",<br>
      "createdTime": "2022-09-29T13:22:12.000Z",<br>
      "fields": {<br>
        "string column": "value0",<br>
        "number column": 0<br>

Last updated