Items getter

[data/dictionary/Items getter]

Retrieves multiple items' value from the dictionary with the proper index of the keys used for querying, in the order of the keys provided. Example A:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. [ "first", "third" ]@0 received via keys

  3. items sends { "0": 1, "2": 3 }@0

Example B:

  1. { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 } @0 received via dict

  2. ["first","second"]@0 received via keys

  3. items sends {"0": 1}@0

Keywords: dictionary, dict, get, values

Input ports

  • dict: {string: any}

    Receives the dictionary to get the items from. Example: { "first": 1, "third": 3, "fifth": 5 }

  • keys: string[]

    Receives the keys corresponding to the items to get. Example: ["first", "third"]

Output ports

  • items: {string: any}

    Sends the values with the index corresponding to the received keys. Example: { "0": 1, "2": 3 }

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