[apis/nftport/v0/NFT transactions by account retriever]
Returns all on-chain transactions as well as OpenSea and Rarible order book data for the specified account (i.e. wallet) address, using the NFTPort API. Can be set to include transactions such as mint, burn, transfer_from, transfer_to, list, buy, sell and OpenSea order book data such as make_bid and get_bid, or all which includes all transactions.
Supports Ethereum only.
Retrieve transactions by an account:
"account_address": string,
optional "continuation": string,
optional "page_size": number,
optional "type": (
or "transfer_to"
or "mint"
or "burn"
or "make_bid"
or "get_bid"
or "list"
or "buy"
or "sell"
or "all"